General 10
If there is one thing that stands out about Daniel, it is his professionalism and personality at the same time. . I say both, because it is a perfect blend that makes him unique and those who know him for his technical and professional side, repeat for his greatness on the personal side. Undoubtedly, he […]
Daniel is a fantastic trainer and the DISC tool is ideal for coaching or training processes. Since I’ve known it, I’ve applied for it with very good acceptance by both coachees and students.
The Behavioral Analyst (DISC) training has been a real breakthrough, it is a tool that helps those of us who work with people for selection processes, coaching and to help them grow. Dani, thank you very much for your human and formative quality.
Discover that there are other ways to evaluate the team and convert high performance teams. I have put into practice the knowledge acquired and I am obtaining results in the achievement of results as well as in the transformation of the team’s well-being. I believe that the motivation achieved is transferred to the people and […]
As an HR Director, using this tool means an incredible saving of time and safety when it comes to know which is the job profile that the company needs with a simple tool and on that particular profile, to know which candidates are suitable to that position in an objective way, being able to focus […]