HR as a strategic partner of the organization
- 26 de March de 2019
- Category: Noticias

In an environment of increasingly competitive business and markets, people are the differential asset to make things happen. Among other reasons, it has been demonstrated that to guarantee success in management, a profile’s technical competencies are as important as their behavioral competencies. Thus, HR professionals today are a strategic and key partner in organizations.
A strategic partner who also has to deal with all the challenges of this century: diversity, generational coexistence, technologies, new ways of working, etc. For all these variables, among others, it becomes essential to have reliable and effective tools that facilitate the selection processes in particular and actions on people management in general. It is in response to all these needs that Juan Daniel Pérez Fernández has designed and delivers this Expert Behavioral Analyst Course in DISC for management positions and HR professionals.
The DISC Model we described in a previous article, and specifically through its computer tool: the DISC Tests, allow the systemic analysis of large volumes of data regarding management indicators that facilitate organization, planning, and strategic actions on various issues. Let’s see some of them that are invaluable for HR professionals.
Personnel Selection. Person/Position Assessment.
As we mentioned at the beginning, beyond academic training, it is important to know what people are like and what makes them different; how they react to the environment and how the environment influences them. Training as a Behavioral Analyst allows us to know the different types of profiles to understand that not everyone is suitable for every type of environment, and that people react differently. So the question is, what exactly does the company require for a particular position? So the question is, what exactly does the company require for a particular position?
And the answer, of course, in addition to the Job Description that defines the formative and technical specifications that a candidate must have, also defines a series of behavioral competencies about how the company expects them to behave and how they want them to do their job. For example, it is not the same to have a person oriented towards the goal through tasks where the end justifies the means; as a person oriented towards the goal through people and work teams.
DISC allows us to quickly and effectively check if the candidate fits the defined profile. In this way, among other things, turnover and dismissals, which in a very high percentage, are not related to technical capacity but to their way of behaving, are significantly reduced.
Organization, planning, and decision-making.
William T. Kelvin, British physicist, and mathematician, said: “What is not defined cannot be measured. What is not measured cannot be improved. What is not improved, degrades over time.”
In this sense, DISC is also used to measure, detect, plan, and make decisions regarding many very important variables in people management such as training, career development plans, listening, empathy, emotional intelligence, trust, communication, etc.; it even allows to develop talent maps of all collaborators and/or areas for improvement to identify their aspects to work on.
Quick and effective interviews for critical incidents and evolution.
For example, how can we know if a person has evolved in the position as expected? Let’s see. We have the DISC Test that describes as an initial photo the natural profile of -at that moment- the job applicant. If the same Test is done to them six months after joining the company, it is quickly possible to identify the changes with the simple visualization and interpretation of two graphs that describe:
- The natural Profile: how we behave when we don’t think about how we’re behaving.
- The Adapted Profile: how we behave based on what we assume the environment demands of us.
As we mentioned, we can quickly detect which behavioral characteristics they have acquired, which ones have decreased or disappeared. For example, if the person has developed their listening skills, or if, on the contrary, they have lost them; or if before they were people-oriented and now they have a clear task orientation and overlook people, and so on. Visualizing this evolution allows the organization to evaluate what actions to take based on whether this is the profile that has evolved as expected or not, or if it is within predictable and/or correctable deviations.
Support in decision-making.
DISC Tests are a tool of utmost reliability, solidity, validity, and scientific rigor that, in addition to helping to visualize the contribution of the HR area to the organization, allows it to function as its strategic partner. All this thanks to the contribution of objective, timely, and concrete data that eliminate subjectivity and randomness in management decisions that are vital for the proper functioning of the business.
Training that invites us to be part of a community.
Especially because of the experiential nature of this Certification, which facilitates students to know the methodology in-depth and put it into practice through different real cases that they bring to the learning space to discuss, analyze, and solve. There is a real and curious case that Juan Daniel shared with me and that I will mention briefly so that the reader can gain perspective on what we are talking about.
Imagine an unfair dismissal case: We have to dismiss a collaborator—the last one to join a team—who has performed very well and has reached the goals. Although, if that were not enough, in addition to informing them that we are terminating their employment, we have to ensure that they continue in their functions for fifteen more days to finish pending tasks and to avoid causing “noise” among clients.
The challenge is set, so how do we dismiss them to minimize the impact on the organization?
In this case, for example, teams work together, each defining an approach strategy and articulating a Role Play based on each of the four possible profiles of the collaborator defined by the Model: Dominance, Influence, Steadiness, Compliance.
I won’t reveal more because the truth is that each learning group, with the same instruction, usually arrives at effective and creatively different solutions. And ultimately, that’s the idea
We provide you with the right certification endorsed by the International DISC Institute. A non-profit organization that ensures the quality of training and assessments and the dissemination of the DISC methodology worldwide.